ON THE LOOSE 3.0 on its waaay! Prepare to update your bookmarks, for real...
SURFER Magazine brings us this gem!
A surf odyssey to the ends of the earth, available for free download
: High | Medium | Low
For more tales from the Distant Shores, check out the Big Issue, available on newsstands now.
Download jj’s new 5-song free digital EP:
High Summer
I could start to sing an ode of joy about how good the emergence of this character was for surfing culture, but then I would keep the focus off the great work
Desillusion did with this piece. Watch it, like now!
New Zeeland is alays worse a visit. So thinks
Harry Triglone and gave as this edit: 18 days in the New Zealand buzzing around in Wicked vans, eating canned food and chicken burgers we managed to find a few fun waves.

I've been following this blog for a while now, I didn't want to post it here, maybe because sometimes you want to keep the things you really like for your own, keep it unique or something. But this is the internet, and with
5000 likes on his facebook page this already impossible. So here it is: my "most viewed blog" of the last 3 month,
Kepa Acero travels the world and having his own style showing it to us, his five waves. And when you hear his scream when he comes out of the barrel, the smile you get on your face is worse following him.
Here is his latest part with Aritz Aranburu as his travel-buddy in Indonesia.
And there it is, this one clip in the middle of the summer that makes you think: Yup, snowboarding is sure one of the best things to waste your time with. Terje Haakonsen proofs it for us.
I guarantee you that listing to this song, before your next surf session, will increase the power of any of your turns at the minimum of 25%.
Occ and Sterling in Peru! Funtimer.